Register: August 8 – RAMS membership Lunch and Learn with Commissioner Rukavina
- Commissioner Ida Rukavina, IRRR
- Whitney Ridlon, Community Development Director, IRRR
- Paul Peltier, Executive Director, RAMS
- About IRRR
- IRRR history
- Who IRRR Serves
- IRRR Funding Allocations
- IRRR Looking Forward
Executive Director Paul Peltier facilitated a conversation between representatives of RAMS members City of Kinney and Town of Great Scott, and company representatives from U.S. Steel. Participants discussed current city and township concerns regarding land acquisition and mining in the area. Members and the company engaged in a productive, informative exchange where members shared their perspective and questions. The company representatives shared available information about the project and operations, committed to regular updates and future meetings, and agreed on the importance an open line of communication with Kinney and Great Scott. RAMS will host another meeting in October.
RAMS welcomes two new board members, appointed at the June board meeting. Thank you for your service to the region, and to RAMS!
Cathy Erickson, Two Harbors City Council
(for a board term ending 12/32/25)
Cheyenne Mikkola-Rahja, Chisholm City Council
(for a board term ending 12/31/24)
Executive Director
Phone: 218-748-7651