Upcoming RAMS Board Meetings
Upcoming RAMS Board Meetings
September 26 – @ NRRI, Coleraine, MN
October 24 – @ NESC, Mountain Iron, MN
November 21 – @ NESC, Mountain Iron, MN
December 19 – Annual Dinner – @ ITMEC, Virginia, MN
- Commissioner Ida Rukavina, IRRR
- Whitney Ridlon, Community Development Director, IRRR
- Paul Peltier, Executive Director, RAMS
- About IRRR
- IRRR history
- Who IRRR Serves
- IRRR Funding Allocations
- IRRR Looking Forward
Executive Director Paul Peltier facilitated a conversation between representatives of RAMS members City of Kinney and Town of Great Scott, and company representatives from U.S. Steel. Participants discussed current city and township concerns regarding land acquisition and mining in the area. Members and the company engaged in a productive, informative exchange where members shared their perspective and questions. The company representatives shared available information about the project and operations, committed to regular updates and future meetings, and agreed on the importance an open line of communication with Kinney and Great Scott. RAMS will host another meeting in October.

From Left to Right: Debra Wavernack (Kinney), Pat Haley (Kinney), Chrissy Bartovich (U.S. Steel), Laurie Krasaway (U.S. Steel), Nate Hofland (U.S. Steel), Judy Wahlberg (Great Scott), Sandy Hauta (Great Scott), Britta Simonson (Kinney), Ashley Kurtock (Kinney), Paul Peltier (Executive Director, RAMS)
RAMS welcomes two new board members, appointed at the June board meeting. Thank you for your service to the region, and to RAMS!
Cathy Erickson, Two Harbors City Council
(for a board term ending 12/32/25)
Cheyenne Mikkola-Rahja, Chisholm City Council
(for a board term ending 12/31/24)
On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, board members and Executive Director Ida Rukavina of the Range Association of Municipalities and Schools (RAMS) traveled to Saint Paul to meet with Iron Range legislators to discuss their legislative priorities for the 2022 session. RAMS has been advocating for cities, schools, and townships across the Iron Range for over 80 years at the state and federal level. A robust conversation was held about the priorities that RAMS is advocating for including increased funding for K-12 education, bonding projects that would support numerous communities’ infrastructure needs, broadband funding so that all of our northern residents have access to highspeed internet, as well as a host of other projects such as trails, local government aid, mental health access and township roads and bridges. RAMS reiterated their position opposing any legislation that would restrict the exploration or possible development of nonferrous mining in the region as well as support for the iron ore industry. RAMS also acknowledged the combined decades of service and support of our region from recently announced upcoming retiring legislators State Senator David Tomassoni and State Representative Dale Lueck.
RAMS members in attendance: Cyndi Worshak, President of RAMS and Mesabi East School Board; Paul Kess, Ely City Council; Stacey Scholz, Rock Ridge School Board; Reggie Engebritson, Superintendent of Mt. Iron/Buhl School District and St. Louis County Schools; and Ida Rukavina, executive director of RAMS.
Range Legislators: State Representative Julie Sandstede, State Representative Rob Ecklund, State Representative Dave Lislegard, State Senator Tom Bakk, State Senator Justin Eichorn, State Representative Spencer Igo and State Representative Dale Lueck.
November 9, 2021
FROM: Range Association of Municipalities & Schools (RAMS)
RE: Broadband Speed Test
Today we are pleased to announce that the Range Association of Municipalities and Schools (RAMS) will be the new host of the Minnesota statewide speedtest project. This map and initiative was previously hosted by the MN Rural Broadband Coalition. This crowdsourcing speed test will allow local governments, area partners, communities, and providers to better identify underserved and unserved areas as well as help consumers see for themselves if they are actually getting the service (broadband speed) that they are paying for. RAMS is able to host this test with the help of one of our Corporate members, GEO Partners, LLC who will be helping analyze the data and create usable maps and information. RAMS is also pleased that the retired director of RAMS, Steve Giorgi, has remained on Minnesota’s state broadband task force and is continuing to volunteer and help Minnesota communities gain access to affordable, high-speed internet. RAMS helped start this testing process in April of 2020 and the information gathered directly from the end users (you) will be used extremely important to further the development of high speed internet for the citizens of Minnesota. We recognize that not all of our areas of the State face the same challenges and this testing will help shed light on some of the challenges our communities still face. Residents are encouraged to “TAKE THE TEST” on the RAMS Broadband website at: https://broadband.ramsmn.org/
As many of you know, Steve Giorgi, Executive Director of RAMS for the last six years, announced his pending retirement in the Spring of 2021. Steve officially retired at the end of June and I was hired by the Board of Directors of RAMS to replace him and started my new position on August 1st. I want to share my congratulations to Steve on his retirement and express my thanks to him for the many years that he led this organization.
The Range Association of Municipalities and Schools (RAMS) was started in 1939 as a unique organization dedicated to enhancing the Iron Range area and to advocate for the communities and schools in this region. Throughout the years, RAMS has advocated at the state and federal level for legislation that benefits our region, our townships, our cities and our schools. Our members participate in RAMS in a number of ways, including: attending state committee hearings, testifying at the capital, hosting legislative informational meetings and contacting their legislators to express their concerns. Every member of this organization makes us a stronger and more viable voice to be listened to and to make a positive impact for the Iron Range.
As the newly hired Director of RAMS, I plan on initiating conversations with our membership to hear your ideas about the direction we should be going, legislation we should work on in the next session and other areas where we can work with partners in the region to make the Range even better equipped for the future.
RAMS has a proud history of representing the Iron Range, advocating for the issues that we care about. There are many challenges we face in the coming months and years ahead and I feel confident we can work together to benefit the entire Iron Range. In the weeks and months ahead, I look forward to connecting and working with you. Please feel free to reach out to me directly by email or phone if you wish to set up a meeting or would like to discuss anything happening in your community.
“One Range – One Voice”
Stay Healthy and Safe,
Ida Rukavina
Executive Director
Executive Director
Phone: 218-748-7651
Email: rams@ramsmn.org