Executive Director
Phone: 218-748-7651
Email: rams@ramsmn.org

RAMS visit to Minntac with State Legislatures 2021

Biwabik Mayor Jim Weikum, U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar and RAMS Executive Director Paul Peltier discuss flood impacts on Biwabik and surrounding communities on July 3 at Biwabik City Hall. (Jerry Burnes/Iron Range Today)


RAMS DC Delegation visit 2021 on land withdrawal

RAMS members met with IRRR Commissioner Ida Rukavina to learn about the production tax.

Mayor Rick Cannata Wild RIce/Sulfate rally

2016 Press conference on US Forest Service - Virginia, MN

Moon over Queen City photo created by Matt Herberg

RAMS visits Cliffs Toledo Facility 2021

Tom Rukavina at rally prior to MPCA hearing at MCC

New bridge at night photo by P Pluswick

RAMS Executive Director Paul Peltier and others meet with MPCA Commissioner Katrina Kessler to discuss permitting and regional collaboration efforts.

RAMS Board Members with State Legislatures 2022

Hwy 53 bridge Nov 2016 photo by F Luomanen

Pike Bay Marina Lake Vermilion

RAMS meets with Congressman Stauber in DC 2021

Kawishiwi Falls - Ely MN photo by Adrian Koski 2016

Itasca Ski Hill

RAMS hearing 1940

Association Members

Membership in the Range Association of Municipalities & Schools (RAMS)

Public entities within the Taconite Relief Area of NE Minnesota are all entitled to membership in the Range Association of Municipalities & Schools (RAMS). There is an annual dues for membership which is based somewhat on population and size of the unit. School districts are also entitled to membership and dues are based on student enrollment. The fee structure ranges between $300—$1750. Each member unit is entitled to elect a board delegate and we have a 24 member board representing our current 64 member units.

Corporate membership is available to community businesses or vendors who work and serve in our cities and schools and we encourage participation. Corporate members are entitled to attend all RAMS sponsored events but do not have voting privileges. Dues for a corporate sponsor are $500 on an annual basis.

To learn more about membership opportunities contact RAMS via email: rams@ramsmn.org

Current Association Members

Aitkin School, 3rd Monday @ 7:00 pm, http://home.isd.1.org

Aitkin City, 1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:00 pm, @ Public Library,  http://ci.aitkin.mn.us

Aurora City, 1st Tuesday @ 5:00 pm, http://www.aurora-mn.com

Babbitt City, 1st & 3rd Wednesday @ 9:00 am, http://www.babbitt-mn.com

Balkan Township, Every other Wednesday @ 6:00pm, https://balkantownship.com

Biwabik City, 2nd Monday @ 6:00 pm, http:/www.cityofbiwabik.com/ 

Biwabik Township, 2nd Monday @ 5:30 pm; http://www.biwabiktownship.com

Buhl City , 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 5:30 pm, http://www.cityofbuhlmn.com

Calumet City, 3rd Tuesday @ 4:30 pm

Cherry Township, 1st Tuesday @ 7:00 pm; https://www.cherrytownshipmn.com

Chisholm Schools, 2nd & 4th Monday  @ 5:00 pm, http://www.chisholm.k12.mn.us

Chisholm City, 2nd & 4th Wednesday (thru April)  @ 5:30 pm. http://www.ci.chisholm.mn.us/

Clinton Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 pm

Cohasset City, 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 7:00 pm, https://www.cohasset-mn.com/

Coleraine City, 2nd and 4th Monday @ 4:00pm  https://www.cityofcoleraine.com/

Cook City, 4th Thursday of each month @ 6:00 pm; http://www.cookmn.us

Cook County School, 1st Tues/ 3rd Thursday @  5:00 pm, http://www.cookcountyschools.org

Cotton Township, 2nd Thursday @ 6:00pm https://www.cottontownship.net/

Crane Lake Township, 2nd Tuesday of each month @5:30 pm winter  @7:30 summer http://www/cranelaketwp.com

Crosby Ironton School, 4th Monday @ 6:00 pm, http://www.ci.k12.mn.us

Ely City, 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 5:30 pm, http://www.ely.mn.us

Ely School, 2nd Monday @ 6:00 pm,  http://www.ely.k12.mn.us/

Eveleth City, 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 5:00 pm; https://www.evelethmn.com

Fall Lake Township,  
1st Tuesday @ 5:00 pm,

Fayal Township, 1st & 3rd Tuesday @  7:00 pm, http://www.fayaltwp.org/

French Township; 1st Tuesday  @  7:00 pm https://www.sidelake.org/township/

Gilbert City , 2nd & 4th Tuesday  @ 6:30 pm, http://www.gilbertmn.org

Grand Rapids City, 2nd & 4th Monday @ 5:00 pm, http://www.cityofgrandrapidsmn.com/

Grand Rapids Schools, 1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:00 pm, http://www.isd318.org

Great Scott Township, 1st Monday @ 6:00 pm

Greenway Schools, Last Wednesday @ 6:30 pm, http://www.isd316.org

Greenwood Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 6:30 pm; http://www.greenwoodtownshipmn.com

Harris Township, 2nd and 4th Wednesday @ 7:30pm; https://www.harristownshipmn.org/home

Hibbing City, 
1st & 3rd Wednesday  @ 6:00 pm, https://link.edgepilot.com/s/08a45dbd/w_VoT7AclkaKHU5mSGInIQ?u=https://www.hibbingmn.gov/

Hibbing School, 1st Wed after the 1st Monday 4:00 pm, http://www.hibbing.k12.mn.us/

Hoyt Lakes City, 2nd & 4th Monday 6:30 pm, http://www.hoytlakes.com

Keewatin City, 2nd & 4th Wednesday @ 5:00 pm, www.keewatin.govoffice.

Kinney City  2nd Tuesday @ 6:00 pm  (no website)

Lake Superior School, 2nd Thursday  @ 6:00 pm, http://www.isd381.k12.mn.us

Lavell Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00pm (no website)

Lone Pine Township, 1st Monday of each month @ 7:00 pm  (n0 website)

Marble City,  2nd Monday @ 6:30 pm  https://www.marblemn.com/

McDavitt Township, 2nd Tuesday  @ 7:00 pm  https://mcdavitttownship.org/

Mesabi East School, 1st Monday @ 5:30 pm, http://www.mesabieast.k12.mn.us/

Morse Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 6:00 pm  https://morsetownship.elyminnesota.com/

Mt. Iron – Buhl School, 2nd & 4th Monday @ 5:30 pm, http://www.mib.k12.mn.us/

Mt. Iron City, 1st & 3rd Monday @ 6:30 pm, http://www.mtniron.com

Nashwauk Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 pm, http://www.nashwauktownship.com/

Nashwauk / Keewatin Schools, Last Wednesday @ 6:00 pm, http://www.isd319.org

Nashwauk City, 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 5:30 pm, http://www.nashwauk.govoffice.com/

Northland Learning Center, http://northlandsped.org/

Orr City, 2nd Monday @ 5:00pm,  https://www.cityoforr.com/

Pike Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 pm (no website)

Rock Ridge Schools, 2nd & 4th Monday (except July and Dec) @ 6:00 pm, https://rrps.org/

Sandy Township,   1st Tuesday of the month @ 7:00 pm  (no website)

Schroeder Township, 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 pm,  http://www.schroedertownship.com/

Silver Bay, 1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:00 pm, http://www.silverbay.com

St. Louis County Schools, 3rd Monday  @ 7:00 pm, http://www.isd2142.net

Taconite City, 2nd Tuesday @ 4:30 pm  (no website)

Tower City, Mondays @ 5:30 pm, http://www.cityoftower.com

Two Harbors City, 2nd & 4th Mondays  @ 6:30 pm,  http://www.ci.two-harbors.mn.us/

Virginia City, 2nd & 4th Tuesday  @ 6:30 pm, http://www.virginiamn.us

White Township, 1st Thursday  @ 5:00 pm, http://www.townofwhite.com

Wuori Township, 3rd Tuesday  @ 5:30 pm (no website)